Friday, May 15, 2009

Nationalization, the Welfare State and Bureaucracies to control every aspect of human behavior

Do you ever wonder how this country got where it is and if we are headed in the right direction? This article from, oddly enough, the Canadian Free Press, points out the path that got us here and where we may be headed if we do not wake up.

Here is an excerpt from the article;

"Even now when banks are being nationalized and major automakers turned over to union ownership, it is mainly people over 40 who are even noticing that anything is wrong."

We (over 40) have seen it happening but, despite our protests, there has been little we could do about it, it is kind of like growing old... The social liberals have become the majority because the Republicans have moved too far left (some say to get along...I say to be PC) and there is no clear conservative party anymore. If the RNC, GOP, or a strong conservative 3rd party does not wake up to the remaining conservatives cries that we need to get back on course, back to our roots, and take our freedom back...we will be lost to the social liberals and, one very small step away from a NWO.... maybe for good.

I believe there are enough conservative constitutionalists left to gain back the White House, Congress, and the Senate but, not if we do not have someone to take the lead and I am sorry to say I really do not see the person capable of doing that at this point. There are very few Ronald Reagan's in this world and we (conservatives) sorely need one right now.

Obama is expanding Government, and spending money at an unprecedented rate, so much so that it very well may be too late to put the toothpaste back in the tube....

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