Thursday, April 30, 2009

My New Favorite Commercial

Usually, I hate commercials...when they come on, I switch channels, or head for the kitchen or other facility. I record favorite programs anymore, just so I can skip through the commercials.

I cannot believe how over hyped the Super Bowl commercials are, and I cannot tell you how many times I have been left saying, what the...are you kidding me? Do they really think they are going to get more business from that? I actually stopped eating Snickers after their commercial, showing two guys eating a Snickers from each end, ending up...ah...kissing?

However...every once in a while, someone comes up with something that is actually worth watching. I remember as a young man, watching a Pepsi Commercial (Real player required), where a little tyke was being swarmed by a bunch of puppies, while he laughed a laugh that can only come from small children...there is something so pure about a little kids laugh...

I am sure there have been others but, that is the one I remember most until now. I have seen this new commercial only a few times (not nearly enough) and it is without doubt, my new favorite commercial. I think everyone should watch it and practice its message.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stop Spending Our Future - The Crisis

Every time I read or see visual evidence of what's happening to America, I get a knot in my stomach, and my temperature rises. I feel like I am being drowned and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. I am not sure but, I wonder if this is what water boarding feels like, if it is...Obama and Co., seem to have no problem with it.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Where's The Receipt

Here is another thing to consider. The COLB that Obama offers as his proof (and has been deemed unreliable) just showed up without explanation. There is nothing from the State of Hawaii about Obama requesting a copy of his BC. Obama, nor the DNC has come forward with evidence of a request for the copy so where did it come from? These copies cost $10 to get, and if requested via the phone, Obama would have had to use a credit card or sent a check, or money order, yet, nothing is, or ever has been, offered as proof of even a request for the copy. Obama could have said here is a CC receipt, or a canceled check, or the remitters copy of a MO. The Obama's should have this receipt without a doubt.

This is something that could even be forged easily but not even a forged receipt of any kind has been offered.

The reason for this is that Obama's COLB is a forgery and no one even thought to forge a receipt for it from Hawaii.

Can America Afford To Defend Itself Now

With the amount of debt we are piling up, would we be able to defend ourselves, or our allies.

Pakistan is in big trouble, the Taliban is about to overrun the country and that would put their nukes in the hands of terrorists who would not hesitate to use them.

North Korea is returning toward nuclear production as is Iran.

If we cannot get more loans, it would mean printing more money and I am sure you all know what that would mean.

It is looking like our enemies have us right were they want us.